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Mak Ninja
Seemingly ordinary housewife who is in fact a skilled ninja! While she is a dutiful wife, she can hardly complete her chores for the day because justice calls for ninja action!
Nina is also extremely bad at cooking and only her husband seems to enjoy her cooking.
Nina is also extremely bad at cooking and only her husband seems to enjoy her cooking.

Mystery goat and pet of Mak Ninja. Always chewing cud... but has spiffy ninja costume. While he may appear useless, there seems to be a secret potential to the goat.
Only time will tell.
Only time will tell.

Pak Limau
He is called Pak Limau (lemon) because of his uncanny ability to eat lemons of extreme sourness and doesn't bother him at all.
He married Mak Ninja without knowing of his wife's secret alter ego. A hard salary worker. Pak Limau is a mild mannered man who loves his wife deeply and seems to be the only one who can charm her.
He married Mak Ninja without knowing of his wife's secret alter ego. A hard salary worker. Pak Limau is a mild mannered man who loves his wife deeply and seems to be the only one who can charm her.

Pak Jamu
The wicked mastermind CEO of a multi-level marketing company selling all sorts of medicinal products from "natural" herbal health drink to weight loss pills. He is intent on enslaving the people of the City of Lembah to do his will by transforming customers of his herbal drinks into mindless zombie slaves simply by triggering a dormant ingredient. He plies his evil products through the TV shopping channels and online shops.

Kak Jambu
The eternal housewife rival for Mak Ninja. Unlike Mak Ninja, she excels at housework and takes great pleasure in taunting her at her incapabilities. A married woman herself, Kak Jambu embodies the idea of a perfect housewife. She is great at cooking and efficient in her day to day chores. However, she appears to be more than just a skilled housewife. She seems to be able to keep up with Mak Ninja in a competition of speed and strength, often pushing the heroine to her limits.
Could it be that she is a trained ninja herself?
Could it be that she is a trained ninja herself?

Tiger Boss
Tiger Boss is Pak Limau's boss at the workplace. He enjoys tormenting and bullying his workers. While not skilled in the arts of fighting, his physical prowess allows him to bully his workers who are too afraid to retaliate, not out of fear of losing their jobs but rather the fear of being badly hurt. Only Pak Limau seems to be happy around him, mistaking his bullies for acts of affection.

Tarsier Delivery Man
The Tarsier Delivery service always delivers, and almost instantaneously from the moment you place your orders from the TV shopping channels, groceries to food deliveries. But no one has ever seen the face under the mask of the mysterious Tarsier delivery man.
Perhaps he has skills of his own that nobody knows about.
Perhaps he has skills of his own that nobody knows about.

Johnny Hitman
A villain who is able to charm the ladies with his special stare: The Hit, that ranges from Manly Man stare to the highly androgynous K-pop Body idol stare! This formidable skill allows him to do super fast cosmetic makeup and enhancement on his face within a split second, thus remaking his face to suit any woman's ideal handsome face.
Only one woman is able to resist his charms... Mak Ninja, who only has eyes for Pak Limau.
Only one woman is able to resist his charms... Mak Ninja, who only has eyes for Pak Limau.

Garuda Man
A ninja from The Village of Deceits, dressed in all feathers and a scary mask resembling the fabled monster Garuda. He has a pair of wings under his arm that lets him glide through the sky... so long as his minions hold on to the strings, lest he floats away...
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